Discover Dubrovnik or its surroundings with a maximum total distance of 120 kilometers. Let us know your wishes, so we can suggest our ideas to you and inform the guide and driver, but you still can define your excursion with your guide on site. The excursion lasts from 9h00 to 13h00.
Price of the excursion
1.035,28 €
(which is equal to 17800,30 euros)
This is 30% deposit payment of total amount
- For credit card payments, the charge will appear in Croatian local currency KUNA.
- Hotels, yachts and other services are not confirmed until deposit is paid
- Please read Description, Cancellation policies and Notes
- Fill out Billing and Additional notes information
- Check Terms and Conditions
- Use PLACE ORDER button to confirm your booking
- Your booking will be complete with Charge Confirmation
5 Persons
Dubrovnik half day tour
– Dubrovnik
– Solin
– Lunch…
DPE uses WSPay system for Internet payments. WSPay applies the most modern standards of data protection – PCI DSS certificate and Secure Socket Layer (SSL) protocol with 256-bit encryption and Transport Layer Security (TLS) Protocol which ensures that data exchange between WSPay and the authorization centers of credit card companies is done in a private network that is protected from unauthorized access.